Many people may wonder about why the 21 day fix diet plan compares to other diet plans on the market. While other plans tell you to count calories or count points, this can get exhausting and monotonous because you need to calculate each and every calorie you consume. Diet plans like this also don’t teach you or instruct you on which foods you should be eating. So rather than eat healthy foods, you’ll be counting processed junk like how many slices of pizza or chocolate bars you ate. The 21
What does the 21 day fix containers system help with?
There are many different portion control containers on the market, but the 21 day fix system categorizes each container based on a different color. The red stands for protein and by following the approved 21 day fix foods list, you know which foods and types of proteins you can fill that container to still be within your calorie limit for the day.
The yellow container stands for carbohydrates. Again, by following the approved foods list, you’ll fill that container with items like whole grain rice, oatmeal or brown pasta to meet your carbohydrate needs and not go over.
The beauty of this system is that you will first use the guidebook included in your package to determine how many calories a day you will need to eat in order to lose weight. You will then select a calorie bracket based on your height/weight and weight loss goals. If you are in the 1200-1500 bracket, you’ll be given a guide on how many calories you’ll need to eat in each day in order to lose weight. Based on that formula, you’ll eat a specific set of green containers, purple containers and red, yellow, orange and blue to meet the calorie needs of your goal.
Is the portion control counting system difficult to follow?
It sounds more complicated than it is but essentially, you will not have to count your calories individually throughout the day. All you need to do is select your favorite foods from the foods list. After that, you’ll consume that many containers each day to meet your goals.
In doing this, you not only are ensured that you’re eating healthy foods, but you’re also going to lose weight in a foolproof way without any second guessing. It also teaches you about portion control. It is so easy that we eat one or two plates of food at lunch or dinner when our body really only requires half of that amount in order to get enough energy and not feel “full”. By eating based on a containers system, you can even plan your meals in advance and have various containers stocked and ready in the fridge for grab and go meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are also allowed to have unlimited glasses of water, decaf tea and herbal tea so you can enjoy that if you start feeling a bit hungry before your meal time.